20 Warning Signs & Early Symptoms of Autism You Should Never Ignore

Abnormal Body Posturing or Facial Expressions

Around 80% of autistic children suffer from abnormal posture and disrupted motor skills. ASD affected children have a reduced static and dynamic postural stability. Their functional balance and motor performance are also diminished. Infants suffering from ASD have been reported to show delayed motor milestones. In the rolling stage, autistic children show deviated patterns of motor development compared with healthy children of the same age. In the crawling phase, children with ASD are more prone to show disproportionateness of weight shifting and are unable to crawl. Irregular posture in lying on the stomach at 4 months of age will persist throughout the first year of life. Children often have a clumsy and uncoordinated gait. It is important to recognize these problems early in the life and start the treatment as early as possible.