Erectile Dysfunction : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Foods To Resolve Proplem, Exercises, Treatment ( Natural Herbs – Surgery) Erectile Dysfunction Medication, Prevention

Inability To Achieve Orgasm (Anorgasmia)

Inability to achieve orgasm (Anorgasmia)
Inability to achieve orgasm (Anorgasmia)

The inability to get an orgasm in men is known as male anorgasmia. Male anorgasmia is the persistent inability to get an orgasm for a man even after receiving enough sexual stimulation. Although anorgasmia affects both males and females, it is more common among women in comparison to the men. However, erectile dysfunction makes it difficult for a man to have an orgasm during sexual intercourse. The prevalence of absent or delayed orgasm in men approximately affects 8% of the male population. The inability of have an orgasm is less common in younger men and increases with advancing age of the man. Male anorgasmia can be stressful to those who are going through it; particularly it often occurs in combination with delayed ejaculation. There are myriad significant causes of male anorgasmia that range from physiological issues present at birth to medicinal side effects or surgical complications. Moreover, it is important to determine the underlying cause of a specific symptom like anorgasmia to properly treat a patient and regain a normal sexual activity.