Hair Loss: Common Causes and Treatment

Thinner ponytail in women

Thinner ponytail in women
Thinner ponytail in women

Women might feel thinning of their ponytail over a small period of time usually in between 2 months, which can indicate hair loss. Most of the women might ignore the sudden loss of their voluminous hair which might pose severe bald patches in the future.

If you are experiencing persistent hair loss and live in a constant state of distress in your child or yourself then you must consult with a specialist and pursue an appropriate treatment. In case of women, who are going through a receding hairline i.e., frontal fibrosing alopecia, it is important to see your doctor. You can discuss early treatment options with your doctor to avoid potential permanent baldness. In addition, you can also consult with your doctor about patchy or sudden hair loss, more than normal hair loss while washing or combing your or your child’s hair. Abrupt hair loss can also hint towards underlying medical conditions which require immediate treatment.