Hair Loss: Common Causes and Treatment

Hair loss pregnancy

Hair loss pregnancy
Hair loss pregnancy

Pregnancy might lead to several physical changes in women and one of them includes hair loss. There is potential change in the scalp hair in most pregnant women with the fluctuating hormones. A majority of women experience their hair getting thicker and becoming fuller while others feel sudden hair loss. Although the exact reason is unknown, the hair loss in pregnancy might have a relation with alterations in the numbers of hair cycles during the growth phase of hair growing. There might be a loss of hair after delivery which happen quite often and is medically known as telogeb effluvium.

Hair loss after childbirth or a few months after it is very common among women but it eventually normalizes and hair might start getting thicker. There are specific hair loss treatments for women suffering from hair loss during and after pregnancy. Some hair treatments that work best for pregnant women include minoxidil tablets, hair transplant, wigs, hair powders or fibers, hair extensions, and weaves. In addition, surgical procedures including hair transplant can be beneficial for some women to fill out the bald patches on scalp.