Knee Pain, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment (Home Remedies) You Should Never Ignore

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE)

The combination of strategies like ice, compression, elevation, and rest can help treat mild to moderate knee pain. This technique is effective in reducing knee pain secondary to a soft tissue injury, such as a sprain.

Rest is advised by the doctors to protect your knee from further injury. It can help decrease the risk of further injury, improve prognosis, and give tissues enough time to heal. Of note, you shouldn’t stop all movements at once as doing so can cause stiffness and joint rigidity that can further lead to muscle weakness.

Ice has known anti-inflammatory properties, and it also helps reduce swelling and redness. Wrap it in a cotton cloth and apply for 15-20 minutes on the affected area to reduce inflammation. Avoid putting ice directly to the skin as it can further damage the joint and worsen the symptoms.

Compression can increase comfort levels. The best example of knee compression includes knee support and bandage. Make sure your compression support is firm but not tight.

Elevation means keeping your leg raised above the ground level. It is proven to reduce swelling by encouraging blood flow.