LASIK surgery: Is It Right For You?

LASIK Treatment For Dry Eyes

LASIK Treatment for Dry eyes
LASIK Treatment for Dry eyes

LASIK can lead to better vision; it might not suitable for everyone, containing those having dry eyes. In a few cases, the dry eye might also be problematic for LASIK surgery. Dry eye mostly relates to discomfort when tears do not lubricate the eye significantly. This might be because of the eye not making enough tears, not producing the right kind of tears, or the tear film in an eye is being affected. The dry eye symptoms after LASIK may consist of:

  • Irritation
  • Dryness
  • Discomfort or pain
  • Red-eye
  • Ocular fatigue
  • Prevention and treatment for dry eyes after LASIK

Dryness of the eye after LASIK needs to be short-term and may only need treatment for some months. However, people having severe dryness of the eyes might need continuous treatment. Treatment for the dryness of eyes consists of increasing the production of tears, the addition of artificial tears, and curing any kind of inflammation and infection in the eye. Treatment choices may consist of: