Low Blood Glucose (Hypoglycemia): Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Foods, Treatment and Management

15 Hypoglycemia Symptoms And Signs

Feeling confused

The blood glucose levels will differentiate throughout the day, either going up or going down depending on the multiple factors. The variation of blood sugar or blood glucose levels throughout the day is normal. However, if the variation in the blood glucose levels does not remain within a specific range, then it is an indication of metabolic disorders. On the other hand, if blood glucose levels rise or go down within a specific limit, then there is nothing to worry about. The blood glucose levels lower than the normal range can be dangerous for the health of an individual. The lower blood sugar levels occur when the glucose level in the blood drops down enough that the individual needs to take some action to bring the sugar level to its average level.

Hypoglycemia occurs when the blood glucose levels drop down less than 70 mg/dL. If a person is already suffering from diabetes mellitus, then it is essential to consult the diabetes care team to treat the condition of hypoglycemia. It is essential to understand that each human reacts to the low blood sugar differently, and this indicates that the symptoms might differ significantly among the individuals. The patient must learn about his signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia by noticing the severity of the condition. The lower blood sugar levels in the blood refer to the insulin shock or insulin reaction. Following are the fifteen commonly occurring symptoms in the patients of hypoglycemia which might appear as individual symptoms or in combination with other symptoms:

Feeling confused

Glucose is the fundamental energy currency for every tissue of every organ, and the proper amounts of glucose in the blood are necessary for the proper functioning of all the body organs. When the glucose levels in the blood drop down to almost less than the minimum threshold for glucose in the blood, then the supply of glucose to organs becomes limited. The depletion of glucose which is an energy currency for the brain, then the brain stops functioning normally. When the patients of hypoglycemia do not seek proper treatment, then there is dangerous depletion of blood glucose levels in the brain cells, thus confusing, and the decisive processing of information ceases in the brain. The person suffering from hypoglycemia does not feel the ability to focus on any work, and they can not speak appropriately without stammering or stuttering.