Vitiligo: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Recovery

Skin Grafts

Skin grafts
Skin grafts

A skin graft is one of the surgical procedures in which the surgeons remove healthy skin from an unaffected area of the body and is useful to cover an area where the skin suffers damage or is lost. A skin graft can be helpful in the treatment of vitiligo to cover up a white skin patch. In addition, skin grafts might be helpful for adults to treat the appearance of the affected areas, if:

  • The white patches do not get worse in the past 12 months
  • There is no trigger for vitiligo to cause any skin damage, such as severe sunburn
  • No newer white patches are appearing in the past 12 months

An alternative to the procedure of skin grafting includes taking a sample of skin to remove the melanocytes from the skin and transplanting them to the affected areas of vitiligo. Although these types of treatments are time-taking, not suitable for kids, and carry a risk of scarring. They are also not variedly available in the United Kingdom.