Vitiligo: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Recovery

Inflammation Of The Eyes and Ears

Inflammation of the eyes and ears
Inflammation of the eyes and ears

There is inflammation of the ears and eyes in some severe cases of vitiligo, which can lead to vision problems and hearing loss.

Vitiligo can develop at any life span or age, but it most commonly appears before 30 years of age. However, it is important to understand that vitiligo can target different body areas in different patients, it might affect:

Many body parts: It is the most common type of vitiligo known as generalized vitiligo in which there are discolored, white patches on numerous body parts of the affecting person. The discolored patches often spread just like the corresponding body parts in a symmetrical pattern.

Almost all skin surfaces: In the case of universal vitiligo, there is discoloration of skin in patches that affects almost all the skin surfaces.

The face and hands: In this type of vitiligo known as acrofacial vitiligo, the affected person observes blotchy and discolored patches on the hands and face, and surrounding the body openings, such as the nose, ears, and the eyes.

One or only a few body areas: There is a type of vitiligo in which only one or a few areas of the body suffer from discoloration or white patches as a result of a lack of melanin in the body and it refers to localized or focal vitiligo.

Only one part or side of the body: A type of vitiligo known as segmental vitiligo tends to develop at a younger age in most patients and leads to cause white patches on only one part or side of the body. The segmental vitiligo usually progresses for a year or two after its first advent and then stops appearing altogether in some patients.

However, it is quite difficult to predict how the disease will cause the progression of the symptoms. In certain cases, the discolored patches tend to form without seeking any medical or herbal treatment for the condition. On the other hand, most of the patients with vitiligo suffer from a consistent yet rapid spread of pigment loss. The symptoms due to pigment loss in vitiligo patients eventually tend to involve most of the skin surfaces. There are occasional times when the skin gets its actual tone back in certain vitiligo patients.

Seek medical help immediately if certain areas of your skin such as hair or the mucous membranes start losing their natural tone. Vitiligo has no cure as of yet but proper medical treatment along with certain preventive measures might slow down the discoloring process or even stop the formation of white patches. Although some treatment options can also help to return some color to your skin to a certain extent. In order to properly understand the symptoms of vitiligo