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Probiotic lemonade

Probiotic lemonade
Probiotic lemonade

It is not as tasty as regular lemonade, but this Lacto-fermented drink is much healthier. This can be made easily without the water kefir grains.


10 lemons, juiced

Sugar, ¾ cup

Whey, 1 cup (the liquid left after curdling)

Filtered water, 2.5 to 3 quarts

A gallon size jar


Put the sugar into a glass container and add some warm water to dissolve it properly. Pour lemon juice over it, and fill the container with filtered water. Let it cool at room temperature, and add whey to it and stir slowly. Cover the container tightly and leave it on the counter for 2-3 days. Store it in the fridge and drink 4-6 ounces each day.