What Causes Dry Eyes?

Environmental triggers

Environmental triggers
Environmental triggers

Exposure to certain environmental triggers like smoke, dry climate, and winds can intensify the evaporation of tears resulting in the development of dry eyes. The failure to blink frequently while staring at a computer screen while working for a long period of time can also lead to the development of dry eye symptoms. A commonly occurring long-term consequence of poor quality of air can elevate your risk for developing dry eyes. You might lower the risk of dry eyes by reducing the environmental triggers. Things that might lead to the evaporation of tears such as:

  • Wind
  • Air-conditioning
  • Dry winter air
  • Allergies
  • Contact lenses
  • Outdoor activities such as running, boating, skiing
  • Dust
  • Smoke
  • Smog
  • Having a background of eye surgery

Dry eye is a commonly occurring side effect of refractive eye surgery, LASIK vision correction surgery, or cataract correction surgery. In fact, the data shows that approximately half of the patients who have LASIK surgery have certain degree of dry eyes after the procedure and the symptoms of dry eyes can sometime persist longer for weeks or even months. People who undergo any eye surgical procedure must take extra steps to take care of their eyes and avoid the risk of dry eyes.