15 Amazing Health Benefits Of Catnip (Nepeta Cataria)

2- Catnip Relieves Headache

Catnip Relieves Headache
Catnip Relieves Headache

Catnip has been used for centuries to treat different kinds of ailments, including headaches. If you suffer from chronic headaches or have recently experienced a headache, catnip may be able to help. The herb contains compounds that are known to reduce inflammation, relax the body and relieve pain, making it an effective remedy for treating headaches.

When taking catnip as a treatment for your headache symptoms, there are several methods of delivery you could use. You can make a tea out of the dried leaves, create a tincture with alcohol or even inhale the aroma directly from the plant itself. Whichever method you choose to utilize, make sure that it is taken in small amounts until desired effects take place.