Myelodysplastic Syndrome (Overview, Signs and Symptoms, Complication, Causes and Risk factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, Outlook)

Myelodysplastic SyndromeTreatment

There are several different types of treatment options available to treat MDS. A team of health care professionals determines the treatment option that best suits the patient, depending on many factors such as the type and severity of the disease. Treatment aims to manage the symptoms and get the number of blood cells, such as RBCs, WBCs, and platelets back to normal levels.

Blood transfusions

The initial treatment for the individuals having critically low levels of blood cells is blood transfusion. Although this treatment is not permanent, it brings the blood cells to normal levels in patients with MDS. Doctors give RBCs transfusion when they see signs and symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, shortness of breath caused by a deficiency of red blood cells in the body. Patients undergoing procedures that cause bleeding, loss of platelets, and lacks platelets usually given platelets transfusion by the doctors. Iron may accumulate in the body of individuals who have undergone many transfusion therapies that may cause damage to tissues and organs.