Myelodysplastic Syndrome (Overview, Signs and Symptoms, Complication, Causes and Risk factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, Outlook)

Stem cell transplant

This treatment involves the replacement of diseased stem cells by normal cells from a healthy donor. This treatment does not suit every individual and mostly used for younger patients who have overall good health. Doctors use Stem cell or bone marrow transplant after a series of radiation and chemotherapy that destroys most of the abnormal stem cells. After stem cell transplant, the newly implanted cells produce healthy blood cells in the bone marrow.

Following are the steps of stem cell transplant:

Blood after collection from the vein of the donor passed through a machine. This machine separates all the stem cells present in the blood. Doctors use chemotherapy and radiation therapy to destroy abnormal blood-forming cells in the body.

The patient receives stem cells extracted from the donor’s blood via a catheter placed in the veins present in the chest.