Rosacea: Causes, Symptoms, Types, Treatment & Prevention

Rosacea Causes

Rosacea Causes
Rosacea Causes

The reason for Rosacea occurrence is still not known, but it might be because of an overactive immune system, environmental, heredity factors, or combinations of these. Rosacea is not occurring by bad hygiene and it is not infectious. (4)

Flare-ups may be triggered by:

  • Red wine and some other alcoholic drinks
  • Emotions
  • Wind or sun
  • Spicy foods and hot drinks
  • Temperature extremes
  • Some cosmetic, hair, or skincare products
  • Drugs that can dilate blood vessels, consisting some blood pressure medicines
  • Drinking hot tea and coffee

Experts are not sure what leads to Rosacea. Therefore, many think that the following reasons might lead to:

  • Abnormalities in the blood vessels: A skin specialist or dermatologist recommends that spider veins and facial flushing are because of abnormalities in the blood vessels of your face. Therefore, they are not sure as to what is the reason for inflammation in the blood vessels.
  • Bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori: These gut bacteria regulate the formation of bradykinin, a mini polypeptide that leads the blood vessels to dilate. Experts recommend that this bacterium might play a significant role in the progression of Rosacea.
  • A skin mite known as Demodex folliculorum: This mite lives on your skin and mostly leads to no problems at all. Therefore, people having Rosacea tend to have more of such mites than others. It is not clear whether the mites lead to Rosacea or the Rosacea give rise to the increase in mites.
  • Family history: Most people having Rosacea have relatively close to the condition. This means that there might be a genetic or inherited component.

There are numerous theories relating to the causes of Rosacea, consisting of environmental, genetic, inflammatory, and vascular factors. Skin damage because of chronic UV light exposure plays an important role. The skin innate the response of the immune system occurs to be essential as increasing concentrations of antimicrobial peptides like cathelicidins have been observed in Rosacea.

  • Cathelicidins encourage dilation of blood vessels and infiltration of neutrophils in the dermis
  • Fluids leak out of such dilated blood vessels leading to proinflammatory cytokines and swelling (edema) leaking into the dermis, raising the inflammation
  • Cathelicidins are a part of your skin’s normal defense against the microorganisms
  • Neutrophils secrete nitric oxide also give rise to vasodilation

The exact reason for Rosacea is still not known. Possible causes consist of defects in the nervous, immune, or vascular systems. Rosacea tends to run in families. Individuals who are having fair complexion and easily blush are more likely to experience Rosacea. Symptoms sometimes occur in adults between the age of 30 and 60 years of age. Women have Rosacea more on the chin and the cheeks, while men are more likely to experience rhinophyma. Rosacea tends to be more serious in men. Time spent outside in the sun might also cause unexpected flushing that can last for several hours.

Any skincare product might lead to your face burning, sting or itching all the time. Anything that leads to your Rosacea spread is known as a trigger. Hairspray and sunlight are the most occurring Rosacea triggers. That is why skin specialists (dermatologists) sometimes ask patients to look at their triggers before starting treatment. Your dermatologist might require recommending stronger medicine or asking you about an in-office treatment such as laser therapy.

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) like elastase and collagenase also occur important in Rosacea

  • MMPs might also regulate cathelicidins leading to an inflammation
  • In rosacea, they are in increasing concentration and might be leading to thickened, hardened skin and Cutaneous inflammation
  • These enzymes remodel normal tissues and aid in the healing of wounds and the formation of blood vessels (known as angiogenesis)

Hair follicle mites (Demodex folliculorum) are sometimes examined within Rosacea papules but their role is still not obvious. An increasing chance of Rosacea has been reported in those who have the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori, but many dermatologists do not think it to be the reason for Rosacea. Rosacea might be irritated by facial oils or creams and specifically by topical steroids. Rosacea is a severe inflammatory skin disease. Symptoms consist of skin thickening, facial flushing, and eye symptoms. Even though there is no cure recently, individuals can take medication to cure the symptoms. Home remedies can also be beneficial. An individual might speak to a healthcare provider for any sort of concerns regarding Rosacea.

The Rosacea cause has not been found. It might be a combination of environmental and hereditary factors. Studies recommend that Rosacea is linked with blood vessel abnormalities (the vascular system) and the immune system. In an individual having such a condition, blood vessels broad (dilate) just simply that can cause flushing and redness of the skin. Rosacea is also linked with abnormal infection. Inflammation is a normal response of the normal immune system to foreign and injured invaders, such as bacteria. Abnormal inflammation impairs the ability of the skin to act as a protective blockage for the body. Researchers think that the link between abnormal inflammations; blood vessel abnormalities and skin barrier disruption underlie the symptoms and signs of Rosacea.

Environmental (nongenetic) reasons can also raise the chance of forming Rosacea and triggering its symptoms. Among the best-studied factors for Rosacea is UV (ultraviolet radiation) exposure from the sun. UV radiation leads to oxidative stress that might harm skin cells. Studies recommend that having an excessive growth of some microorganisms that live on facial skin, significantly mites known as Demodex folliculorum, might also give rise to the formation of Rosacea. (5)

These mites trigger an abnormal response of the immune and disturb the normal barrier of the skin. Therefore, other factors that can stimulate the symptoms and signs of Rosacea or make them even bad consist of spicy food, heat exposure, alcohol, and cigarette smoking all of which lead to blood vessels in your skin dilating. Rosacea cannot be treated, but treatment might help cure symptoms and enhance skin appearance. Always remember to wear sunscreen. Avoid familiar triggers to cure flare-ups. If it left incurable, Rosacea might get worse by the time.