What Are Lice ? Types, How they spread, Treatment, Prevention and Takeaway

Give your house a deep clean

As we know, cleaning an environment plays a tiny part in removing head lice; it mostly depends on cleaning the head. The reason is that head louse can only survive a day or two of the scalp; also, they can’t fly or hop. Their eggs are also cemented to the hair shaft. So you don’t need to sterilize the whole house.

However, to prevent re-infection, you should clean items that have been used by the infected family members. Wash towel, bedding, scarves, caps, and scarves in hot water, and dry them on a hot setting. Soak brushes and combs in soapy hot water. Vacuum floors, furniture, pillows, and car seats. Stow non-washable items like a treasured stuffed animal in a sealed bag for at least two weeks.