15 Amazing Health Benefits Of Oranges

9- Oranges Good For Pregnant Women

Good For Pregnant Women
Good For Pregnant Women

Oranges are a nutritious snack for pregnant women! Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it’s no wonder they have long been a staple food for expectant mothers. They are incredibly beneficial to pregnant women as they contain high amounts of vitamin C and folate. Vitamin C helps with iron absorption, while folate is important in early development and prevents birth defects.

A single orange can provide up to 100% of an expecting mother’s daily needs for vitamin C. And unlike pill supplements, oranges come packed with other vitamins such as fiber, potassium, magnesium, and calcium that help strengthen the muscles needed during labor. Eating oranges during pregnancy can also boost energy levels due to their natural sugar content; it is perfect for busy moms-to-be on the go!