Is Cheese Good For You? 15 Proven Health Benefits Of Cheese

12- Cheese Fights Stress and Anxiety

Cheese Fights Stress and Anxiety
Cheese Fights Stress and Anxiety

Cheese has a bad rap for being unhealthy but new research is showing that it can actually be beneficial for your mental health. Recent studies have found that it can help to fight stress and anxiety in adults when eaten in moderation.

The researchers studied the effects of cheese on people’s levels of cortisol, which is the hormone released during times of stress and anxiety. They found that those who ate moderate amounts of it (around 40g per day) experienced lower cortisol levels than those who did not eat any at all.

It contains L-tryptophan, an amino acid which helps to regulate mood and reduce stress levels. It also has high calcium content which helps to improve sleep quality; something that is important for managing stress and reducing anxiety symptoms.