Vitamin E: Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Sources, Vitamin E Deficiency and More

Deterioration and visual problems

Deterioration and visual problems
Deterioration and visual problems

The deficiency of vitamin E might reduce the light receptors present in the other cells of an eye or the retina. This might lead to the loss of vision over time.

An unexplainable and general feeling of unwellness

Vitamin E deficiency might lead to the feeling of tiredness and unwellness. Also, lowers your energy level.

Immunity problems

Some research recommends that vitamin E deficiency can stop the immune cells. While older people might be at increased risk of such deficiency.

Loss of body movements

Vitamin E deficiency might lead to the loss of body movements by breaking down or harming the ability to transmit the signals to the neurons.

Trouble in coordination with the body

The deficiency might lead to some neurons known as Purkinje neurons, harming, and breaking down the capability of transmitting the signals.