Vitamin E: Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Sources, Vitamin E Deficiency and More

Top 15 vitamin E vegetables

Top 15 vitamin E vegetables
Top 15 vitamin E vegetables

Here are top 15 vegetables in the following:


Avocados are the richest source of various nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, vitamin K and C. half of an avocado also consists almost 20% of the requirement of vitamin E. kiwis and mangoes also consist of vitamin E, but they include less content of vitamin E in comparison to avocados. All three fruits are the best choices, therefore, especially for individuals having nut sensitivities or allergies.


It is from the oil in the fruit, consuming olives is an amazing way of attaining your daily requirements of vitamin E. just each cup of olives provides almost 20% of the daily recommendation quantity.


4 spears of cooked asparagus provide 0.9 mg of the vitamin E content (6% of the DV).


Kale is another good cruciferous vegetable you must consume as sometimes possible. Kale is very rich in various nutrients. In fact, just each cup of kale (boiled). It almost gives 6% of the vitamin E requirements. We must suggest eating natural kale, if possible.


Broccoli provides 4% of the daily requirement of vitamin E.

Mustard green

Consuming one cup provides 14% of the vitamin E of the dietary requirement.

Turnip greens

While turnip greens might have a slightly bitter taste, they are rich in vitamin E and other vitamins A, C, K and folate. It is almost 12% of the vitamin E to meet the daily requirement.


Spinach might not be your favorite vegetable but it is an amazing leafy green vegetable. Each cup of spinach provides almost 20% of the daily requirement.

Swiss chard

Swiss chard is simply one of the healthiest vegetables that you can consume on a daily basis. Commonly it is known to be rich in vitamin, A, K and Vitamin C. It is another food that is rich in vitamin E. Just each cup of boiled Swiss chard greens offer you approximately 17% of the value of daily requirement.

Red sweet pepper

Sweet pepper varieties consist of a wide range of essential nutrients. A medium raw red pepper consists of 2mg of vitamin E, even though cooking it lowers the vitamin E content almost by half. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Beet greens

Half cup of cooked beet green contains 1.3 mg of the vitamin E content (9% of the DV).


Each cup of raw collards provides 0.8 mg of vitamin E content (5% of the DV). It is also a rich source of Vitamin E

.Butternut squash

Butternut squash contains a high amount of vitamin E content. Half cup of Butternut squash provides 1.3 mg (9% of the DV).

Bell pepper

Bell pepper is quite a rich source of Vitamin E. It consists of almost 2 mg of vitamin E content. Therefore, cooking it might reduce its vitamin E content.


An amazing spice, parsley is another best vitamin E vegetable. Try mixing fresh parsley to dishes and salads for an extra kick of vitamin E. Dried parsley also offers you with essential vitamins but it must be fresh.