Vitamin E: Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Sources, Vitamin E Deficiency and More

Top 15 vitamin E foods

Top 15 vitamin E foods
Top 15 vitamin E foods

Many people have no difficulty in attaining sufficient vitamin E in the diet. In addition, various fruit juices, breakfast cereals and spreads present these days consist of the fortification of vitamin E too. (12)

Here are 15 vitamin E rich foods in the following:


Each ounce of almonds consist of almost 23 nuts that includes 7.3 mg of vitamin E. while aiding in meeting your daily requirement also links with the almonds that contain several health benefits, reducing heart disease and risk of obesity.

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil is the highest organic vitamin E source. It uses as a substitute for most of the cooking oils; therefore, cooking it at extreme heat might lower its vitamin content. Other oils such as almond, hazelnut and safflower oils are also the best sources of vitamin E too. But it also consists of almost a quarter of the quantity available in wheat germ oil. Each ounce consists of 21% RDI of the vitamin E.

Sunflower seeds

Many seeds are an amazing source of vitamin E but sunflower seeds are significantly powerhouses. Each ounce adds to a cereal, smoothie, salad, or cereal consisting 7.4 mg of vitamin E, half of the requirement of each day. Sunflower oil only consists of one-third of the content of vitamin E whole seeds, but it is still a great source of vitamin still.

Raw seeds

Choose raw seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame are another most occurring food having vitamin E. in fact consuming sunflower seeds just ¼ cup provides you almost 90.5% of the daily value according to the recommendation. Making these one of great vitamin E foods you can consume daily.

Pine nuts

Almonds are the highest nut that is rich in vitamin E. But pine nuts add an essential amount in your diet, almost 3 mg per two tablespoon serving. While pine nuts are sometimes added into baked goods, pesto and spreads. They are expensive as well.


Fish are an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids, and important nutrients for both cognitive and physical health. It consists of 4 mg of vitamin E in each fillet of Atlantic salmon.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter and peanuts are rich in vitamin E; you can attain almost 18% of the daily requirement in just two tablespoons.

Plant oils

They are also high in vitamin E. each tablespoon gives 100% of the daily vitamin E requirement.


These are the perfect snack after a long, tiring day. They contain almost 20% of the daily vitamin E requirement.

Mamey Sapote

Half of a fruit contains almost 5.9 mg.


3 ounces gives almost 3.4 mg of vitamin E.

Goose meat

Each cup consists of 2.4 mg of the vitamin E content.

Brazil nuts

Each ounce of Brazil nuts gives 1.6 mg of vitamin E.

Rainbow trout

Each fillet provides 2 mg of vitamin E, which means 13% of the DV.

Atlantic salmon

Atlantic salmon consists of almost 2 mg of vitamin E in half fillet. It gives 14% DV each serving..