Varicose veins refer to the condition of veins in which there are enlargement and swelling of veins, and these veins often appear dark blue or purple by looking at the skin. The diseased condition is known as varicose veins because the veins usually twist around each other, and there is swelling in the affected area. It is a commonly present disease in most of the adult population, and almost 23% of the adults suffer from varicose vein condition once in their lifetime. Varicose vein condition can happen to any superficial vein in the body, but it mostly happens to the veins located in the legs. There is a higher degree of pressure for the veins of legs to face because of all the standing and walking.
Varicose veins, commonly known as spider veins, are not a life-threatening or serious health condition; rather, they are more of a cosmetic concern. The chances of getting varicose veins are greater in obese people, mainly due to the creation of greater pressure on the veins as the person is carrying more body fat than the normal person. Moreover, pregnant women are also more likely to suffer from varicose veins because of their extra body weight during pregnancy. For most of the people, varicose veins produce very mild symptoms, which usually include discomfort and aching pain in the legs. While in a few cases, the symptoms of varicose veins get worse and may lead to some serious health conditions.
Although the condition of varicose veins is not that serious, it does require proper treatment to avoid any serious health conditions like skin ulcers. Most of the time, home remedies and self-care techniques are of great help to reduce the symptoms of varicose veins. But in case of severe symptoms, the affected person needs proper treatment from a specialist, which might include removing the veins.