Zinc: Everything You Need to Know ( What It Is, Function, Benefits, Deficiency, Sources, Toxicity and Dosage)

Top 15 Foods rich in zinc

Top 15 Foods rich in zinc
Top 15 Foods rich in zinc

Some people who are at risk of a zinc deficiency include teenagers, young children, pregnant women, lactating women, and the elderly. However, having a balanced healthy diet that consists of foods having zinc is enough to keep you away from zinc deficiency. There is a variety of foods that are naturally rich in zinc. Following is the description of top 15 foods that are the best options to fulfill your zinc requirements:


Meat is a remarkable source of zinc. Red meat is specifically an excellent source, but there are ample amounts of zinc in various other types of meat including pork, lamb, and beef. In fact, a 3.5 ounce which is a 100 gram serving of raw ground beef consists of 4.8 mg of zinc which covers 44% of the daily value (DV) . One serving of raw ground beef also gives 176 calories, 10 grams of fat, and 20 grams of protein. Moreover, it is a good source of many other significant nutrients such as B vitamins, creatinine, and iron. It is worth mentioning that eating excess amounts of red meat, specifically processed red meat has a direct link with an increased risk of heart diseases and certain cancers. However, if you keep your meat intake of processed ones to a minimum range and consume more of the unprocessed red meats along with a variety of fruits and vegetables, you are safe.