Zinc: Everything You Need to Know ( What It Is, Function, Benefits, Deficiency, Sources, Toxicity and Dosage)



Shellfish is a low-calorie yet a highly nutritious food which also offers a generous amount of zinc. Oysters have specifically high amounts of zinc, almost 6 medium oysters give 32 mg of zinc which is actually 291% of the daily value (DV) for zinc. Other forms of shellfish have lesser zinc than the oysters but are still great sources of zinc. In addition, a 100 gram serving of Alaskan crab gives 7.6 mg of zinc which covers almost 69% of the daily value (DV) for zinc. Smaller shellfish including mussels and shrimp are also good sources of zinc, both of these shellfish providing 14% of the DV for zinc per 3.5 ounce serving. However, if you are pregnant, ensure that the shellfish is thoroughly cooked before you eat it. Eating properly cooked shellfish helps to minimize the chances of possible food poisoning.