Zinc: Everything You Need to Know ( What It Is, Function, Benefits, Deficiency, Sources, Toxicity and Dosage)

Can lower the risk of certain age-related diseases

Can lower the risk of certain age-related diseases
Can lower the risk of certain age-related diseases

Zinc can lower the occurrence of age-related diseases significantly, such as infection, pneumonia, and age-related muscular degeneration (AMD). Zinc can enhance immune response and reduce oxidative stress by activating the mobility of natural killer cells and T-cells, which aids in protecting your body from various infections. Older people who consume supplements with zinc encounter improved responses to influenza vaccination, lessen the risk of pneumonia, and boost mental performance.

However, one study reveals that 45 mg of zinc consuming each day can decrease the rate of infection in older people by almost 66%. In addition, in a huge study in almost 4200 people consume antioxidant supplements daily such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. also 80 mg of zinc reduces the loss of vision and decreases the occurrence of advanced AMD significantly.