Anemia : Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, and Dietary Guidelines

Early Symptoms Of Anemia

There are many types of anemia, and the most common one occurs due to iron deficiency. The lack of iron leads to a critically low level of RBCs in the body because iron is the structural part of red blood cells and required for their production. Hemoglobin is a protein present in red blood cells that transport oxygen in the body and need iron for its synthesis. Anemia develops when blood lacks enough RBCs to carry oxygen to different parts of the body; as a result, tissue and muscles cannot perform their function correctly.

Signs and symptoms of anemia depend on the type of anemia and the underlying cause. Anemia can have a significant impact on a person’s life and can affect the quality of life as well. At the early stages, anemia shows no signs, but the patient can feel some symptoms with the progression of this disease. Symptoms can vary depending on the type, severity, cause, health status, and age of the individual. The following are the most common signs and symptoms of anemia.


As we know that red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body, and lack of RBCs in the body results in less oxygen reaching the tissues and muscles that deprive them of energy. The person suffering from iron deficiency gets tired early and feel difficult to perform the tasks of everyday life. The heart rate also increases due to a lack of oxygen-carrying protein, so that all the organs of the body can get oxygen-rich blood and perform their function correctly. Fatigue is the most common sign of anemia, but as all the individuals can feel tired, and it’s a part of everyday life, so it becomes difficult to predict that the person is anemic.