Are Pears Good For You? 15 Surprising Health Benefits Of Pears

14- Pears Lower Cholesterol Levels

Pears Lower Cholesterol Levels
Pears Lower Cholesterol Levels

A recent study has shown that pears can help lower cholesterol levels in the body. This research was conducted on over one thousand adults who had been diagnosed with high cholesterol levels. The study found that those who ate at least three servings of pears per day experienced significant reductions in their LDL cholesterol levels after six weeks. Those who ate four or more servings showed even greater decreases in LDL cholesterol.

These results suggest that including this super fruit as part of a healthy diet could be beneficial for lowering cholesterol. Eating three to four servings of this sweet and nutritious fruit each day can make a big difference in reducing your risk for heart disease and other health problems associated with elevated cholesterol levels.