Athlete’s Foot (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

The spread of the fungus

The skin condition of the athlete’s foot is very contagious, and it can spread quickly by contact with the objects in use by the person who is already suffering from athlete’s foot. The fungus travels from the skin of the previously infected person via the hands or nails and spreads to other body parts of the same person. The use of everyday items like floors, towels, and shoes are the most common for the spread of the fungus from one infected person to several other healthy persons living under the same roof. The spread of athlete’s foot, causing fungi is possible through direct and indirect contact, and these types of contacts are:

Direct contact:

The direct contact, which is more frequent in causing the spread of athlete’s foot, usually depends on the skin to skin contact. For example, someone might develop the fungal infection if they touch the affected skin area from the athlete’s foot and then do not wash their hands. The direct contact causes direct contamination through the hand touching.