Athlete’s Foot (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)


Make a paste of 1 tbsp of turmeric with water, apply it to the contaminated area. Rub until it gets scrambled. Wash off properly. Turmeric has curcumin in it. Curcumin is a very powerful antifungal agent. One tablespoon of turmeric in a glass of milk daily effects as an anti-inflammatory, develop immunity, removes the clotted blood from the uterus. Turmeric blocks the growth of yeast infections and athlete’s foot fungus.

Some other useful remedies at home include aloe Vera, coconut, cinnamon, lavender, Calendula in ointment forms. Home remedies need consistency, especially in case of an athlete’s foot disease. It can not cure overnight, but the correct way to treat the wound helps a lot.