Athlete’s Foot (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

20 Home Remedies For Athlete’s Foot

Consultation with a doctor I any disease or disorder is essential. The same is the case with an athlete’s foot disease, as things may get complicated if not appropriately addressed. It is possible to get some relief at home by using home remedies. The home remedies we suggest are there to ease the symptoms of the disease.


A solution of water and vinegar can be helpful. Vinegar has some antifungal properties. Vinegar doesn’t have any skin allergies or other risks to the skin, which makes it safe to use in an athlete’s foot disease. Ten parts water and one part of vinegar must be in a tub. Soak your feet for fifteen o twenty minutes, then waste the solution and dry your feet.