Athlete’s Foot (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Alternative Therapy

The doctors advise the patients to try the tea tree oil as an alternative therapy for the treatment of athlete’s foot because this therapy gives success to the patients. According to a study on athlete’s foot patients, the doctors report the findings as 50 percent of the tea tree oil therapy effectively cures the patients of the athlete’s foot. But you must try this alternative therapy after checking in with your doctor as some of the patients suffering from athlete’s foot might develop the condition of dermatitis. Also, to use this alternative therapy, the patients need to take care of their hygiene. The doctors recommend to use the antifungal powder in your shoes and daily to prevent any further fungal infection.

Moreover, try to wash your feet repeatedly with germ-killing soaps and liquids. It is also compulsory for the people suffering from athlete’s foot to make sure that their feet are almost dry at all times because the fungus tidea thrives on humidity and cause fungal infections. For the therapy of tea tree oil to work its best, it is necessary to get plenty of air around your toes and sole area of the feet. Try to wear shoes that a porous material. Also, try to avoid cotton and wool socks as these socks tend to absorb all the moisture, thus promoting fungal growth. You can use synthetic socks if you want because these socks wick away moisture.