Athlete’s Foot (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Complications of athletes foot In people with diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which the concentration of sugar in the body is unregulated. It is generally known as a metabolic disorder. The circulation of blood is not under control in an individual having diabetes—this impaired circulation of blood results in the slow healing of feet. Problems like cut, blisters, and corn are considered minor in healthy persons.

Meanwhile, the problems mentioned before can be fatal in people with diabetes. The perspirations of people with diabetes are sweeter due to the higher concentration of sugar in the blood. Th humid and hot conditions attract the fungal growth, ending up in an athlete’s foot. People with diabetes may develop neuropathy. It is a condition in which the patient’s nerves suffer damage due to the presence of a high concentration of sugar in the blood, the blood vessels which nourish the legs are damaged.

Neuropathy is a severe hazard for people with diabetes as the initial cut, blister, or wound may get unattended as the sensation is less. If a foot gets infected by an athlete’s foot, it may take longer to heal, and chances are more for a further invasion of bacteria. It may end in severe infection or which the skin turns black, and surgery may be required to remove contaminated tissue. In people with diabetes, severe infections may lead to amputation.

People with autoimmune disease syndrome are at considerable risk of getting an athlete’s foot disease. Syndrome weakens the immune system, the body’s defense is already suffering from comprising against infection, viruses, and microbes. The recovery of such patients from any disease is slow; similarly, the recovery rate of an athlete’s foot is also deliberate. After a full recovery, the fungus keeps coming back because the symptoms above the skin vanish soon using the treatment, but the fungus under the skin remains there. If the procedure stops just before its prescribed time, it will keep coming back and cause athlete’s foot.