The primary role of the urinary tract organs is to produce and store urine – one of the waste products of your body. Kidneys are the major organs that produce urine, from where it travels down the ureters to the bladder. The urinary bladder temporarily stores the urine until it is excreted by urinating through the urethra. The opening of the female urethra is above the vaginal opening in a female and at the end of the penis in a male.
The kidneys are paired organs in the lower abdomen that filter liquid waste products from the blood and expel it through urine. The kidneys play a major role in checking the blood’s acidity and balancing the levels of many chemicals (such as sodium, potassium, phosphorous, calcium and others) in the body. They also produce certain hormones that are essential for the metabolic process. These hormones help make strong bones, control blood pressure, and boost red blood cell production.
Normal urine contains no bacteria or other pathogens in it, and the one-way flow ensures no pathogenic infections. Still, bacteria and other pathogens may get into the bladder and kidneys through the urethra.