Urinary Tract Infection (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Home Remedies For UTI

Antibiotics are the first-line treatment option when it comes to treating a UTI, but there are growing concerns about the overuse of antibiotics that they may lead to antibiotic resistance. For this specific the reason, medical experts and doctors have been recommending some home remedies to support treatment for a mild type of infection.

Before trying these home remedies, it is recommended to seek advice from your health care provider, as incorrect remedies can lead to more severe infection and life-threatening complications. The common home remedies used to treat UTI include;

Drinking fluids

As already mentioned several times in the article, increased water intake is linked to easing in UTI symptoms. Studies have suggested that people who increase their water intake and consumption of water-based products from less than 2 litres of water to 2.5 litres per day may have mild symptoms and experience fewer episodes of a UTI.

Health experts advise drinking at least ten glasses of water a day. However, people can check with their physician how much water they can take – depending on their body weight. Of note, too much may not be beneficial for this condition.