Urinary Tract Infection (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Pain Relief Medication

You can also use over-the-counter (OTC) medications to treat the mild cases of UTI and ease troublesome symptoms. The most commonly used OTC drugs are acetaminophen (paracetamol), and ibuprofen. These are known to provide immediate pain relief. Sometimes, severe infections of the urinary tract can travel up and affect the kidneys. In this case, a person is not recommended totake nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as acetaminophen and others. NSAIDs are toxic to the kidneys and may cause further damage.

The best practice is, therefore, to speak to a medical professional first and then try home remedies and OTC pain relievers for a UTI.