What is Down Syndrome?

Symptoms Of Down Syndrome

Poor Muscle Development

Down syndrome is a chromosomal genetic disorder. People with Down syndrome develop distinct physical and mental features. Many suffer from disabilities and learning delays, as well as various developmental problems that affect their muscles and bones. This disorder can also lead to other medical conditions, such as heart problems. The following are some symptoms of Down syndrome.

Poor Muscle Development

One of the significant issues caused by Down syndrome in children is the poor development of ligaments and muscles that support various parts of the body. This issue is majorly seen in the neck, where the supporting ligaments and muscles appear loose and weak. As a result, patients with Down syndrome are at greater risk of developing other conditions, like spinal cord compression, a disorder in which the bones of the neck exert pressure on the spinal cord. This condition can often lead to further complications and muscular weakness, as well as coordination problems. Physical therapy can help children with Down syndrome strengthen muscles and improve posture to avoid complications.