What Is Lactose Intolerance? Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Types, Risk Factors, Foods To Eat and Foods To Avoid

These bakery items

These bakery items
These bakery items

use instant cake mixes that contain lactose:

  • Biscuts, cookies, cakes and pastries: You can switch to lactose free milk and formula milks as ingredients in these items to avoid lactose.
  • Breakfast cereals: a bowl of cereal with milk in the morning can similarly create problems in your bowel.
  • Desserts with milk: preparing smoothies, milkshakes and sherbet exposes you to significant lactose.
  • Potato chips and snacks: it is better to make a healthier choice in terms of light snacking. Fruits are a go-to for healthier munching.
  • Milk chocolate: dark chocolate can be used to satisfy craving instead of regular sweet milk-chocolate bars.
  • Mac and cheese: preparing pasta with cheese is just too much lactose on your plate for your gut to digest.
  • Powdered coffee creamers and tea whiteners may contain lactose. Hot cocoa, instant coffee etc. are a caution in this context.

It is essential to keep a balanced diet after subtracting a number of necessary macronutrients and minerals that may have come easily with milk. Below is a guide in this regard.