Hyperkalemia (High Blood Potassium) (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Home Remedies Via Foods, Treatment and Prevention)

21 Foods Surprisingly Low In Potassium:

Potassium is a dietary mineral. It is essential for bone health, muscle health, proper growth and maintenance, energy production for cells and body, and many more. At the same time, it is right to say that too much of good things can be harmful. In the case of hyperkalemia, the first treatment is a diet low in potassium. High potassium foods are nuts, red meat, avocados, tomatoes, lentils, banana, pasta, sugar. In a balanced diet, nutritionist advice to add more vegetables and fruits to your plate. 4-5 portions are minimally suitable for every person. A majority of foods have an abundant amount of potassium others are suitable for low potassium diet. Apples, peaches, pear, mandarin, kiwi (in small portion) a medium-sized plum, blueberries( a handful), cherries (handful), grapes( handful), strawberries (handful), raspberries (handful0, watermelon, half grapefruit. Quantities of fruits mention with them; others are one piece of each.

Before consumption, it is essential to boil the vegetables first, and boiling will unleash the potassium in the water. The decrease of potassium levels is not possible by cooking, steaming, and the use of the microwave. The list of allowed vegetables is 4teablespoons of beans sprouts, two spears of broccoli, two handfuls of cabbage, three tablespoons of carrots, six florets of cauliflower, 3cm long cucumber, three tablespoons of fresh beans, one small bowl of lettuce, three tablespoons of marrow, twenty olives, medium-sized half capsicum, three tablespoons of boiled peas, three tablespoons o runner beans, a quarter turnip. All tin vegetables, drained (sugar and brine solution removed) can consume after blanching.

Carbohydrates are the primary energy source and fibre. Carbohydrates consist of starch. Root vegetables contain potassium, not suitable for hyperkalemia. Rice and wheat are the alternates having low potassium levels. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava in its boiled form is useful to lower the potassium present.

The water in which high potassium food is okay to consume after boiling and is not fit for making soups and sauces. Foods with significant carbohydrate content with less potassium percentage are:

White bread, wholemeal bread, rolls, pitta bread, tortilla wraps, bagels, English muffins, crumpets, croissants, pancakes, garlic bread, pasta, rice, Yorkshire pudding, noodles, millet, semolina, plain cereals, Weetabix, porridge, oats, rice Krispies, cheerios, puffed wheat, honey puffs.

Meat and poultry are some of the primary sources of protein. Proteins are essential for growth, repair, and maintenance. Lower portions of all types of meat, poultry, fish and other seafood, eggs, soy proteins, tofu. Lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans are the vegetarian sources of proteins. Milk 300ml per day wither whole, skimmed, semi-skimmed, goat, cow buffalo, soya, lactose-free, almond milk, fruit yoghurt, plain yoghurt, fat-free yoghurt 12g serving every day,100ml of rice milk and oats milk, crème Fraiche, every type of cream. All spices and herbs, pepper, chilli sauces, garlic, vinegar, mayonnaise, mustard, marmalade, jam, honey, curd, curry powder, salad cream.

High potassium foods cause heart arrest, and potassium free food will cause potassium deficiency. The best way is to eat low potassium foods. Following is the list of foods which are lower in potassium:


Apples are highly nutritious and help to lose weight a good source of weight loss. The serving size of an apple is one medium size containing 150mg of potassium. The serving size for apple sauce is a half bowl and has 90mg of potassium. The serving size of apple juice is a half cup and have 15mg of potassium.