Obesity: Definition, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & More



In most people, obesity is the most prolonging disease. Obesity leads to multiple factors and even though the fundamental increase in exercise and decrease intake of calories is a simple concept relatively, various undergoing factors might cause obesity in a person. Therefore, treatment needs to take all of such thoughts.  The requirement to manage obesity is obvious as obesity raises the risk of health problems and multiple other diseases, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Gout
  • Lung disease
  • Stroke
  • Depression
  • Colon cancer
  • Osteoarthritis (significantly low back pain and hip and knee joint pain)
  • Gallstones
  • Dementia
  • Insomnia from snoring (snoring)
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Fungal rashes occur in the skin folds

Depression might be one of the most common effects that occur in obesity. Many people who are obese suffer from emotional stress. Because of the insistence on the physical appearance in almost every culture that equal to slimness with beauty, while obese people might have the feeling of unattractiveness. They might also be subject to ridicule, prejudice, and discrimination that might make them feel embarrassed or rejected. Obesity is the major risk factor for the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. The amazing news is that it can be preventable.

Therefore, in clinical studies, patients who are at increased risk of having diabetes lower the risk by almost 60% with having less than 10% weight loss in the last three years. The main signs and symptoms also obtain from the extent of the excessive weight, the most occurring, consisting:

  • Body mass index (BMI) higher than 30 kg/m2
  • The waist circumference is higher than 102 cm in men and women, it is 88 cm
  • Stretch marks (because of rupture and distension of the elastic fibers over the skin), vinous in the instance of obesity because of Cushing (endocrinological alteration)
  • High blood pressure level greater than ≥140/90 mm Hg
  • Acanthosis nigricans ( it is a skin disorder, categorized by the occurrence of hyperpigmentation and hyperkeratosis in the armpits and skin folds)
  • Varicose veins and swelling in the lower limb.
  • The obesity symptoms go after excessive body fat. Shortness of breath, skin problems, trouble while sleeping and more can have effects of obesity on someone else. Some symptoms are even well-known to raise a person’s risk of having certain disorders and diseases. In most cases, these might be even fatal and life-threatening. Here’s is a complete discussion on being obese and overweight. It also explains the symptoms of obesity in adults and children, as well as the possible problems from the disease. Remember that BMI is not accurate always for the measurement of body fat content.

For instance, some athletes may have an increase than normal-weight easily because of the high muscle weights more than fat and increasing levels of muscle mass. This might be qualify technically for the obesity category therefore, they consist of a little body fat. Here are some different symptoms conditions in the following: