Obesity: Definition, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & More



Obesity normally means an imbalance between energy expenditure and energy intake such that the excess energy is stored in fat cells. These fat cells raise the number that might lead to various health conditions. Excessive body fat results in the increase of diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, gall bladder, some cancers, and arthritis. Obesity has become an epidemic worldwide with an estimation of around 1.3 billion people being obese or overweight.  There are various causes of obesity. Lack of physical activity is one of the reasons that lead to obesity. (10)

People who have a sedentary lifestyle are more prior of getting obese. Other reasons for obesity consist of hypothalamic disorders, endocrine disorders, and genetic disorders. There is a fine balance between calorie expenditure and calorie intake that gets affected negatively by the lifestyle factors like excessive sugar intake, dietary fat, and reduced physical activity. Thus, exercise is one of the most significant measures in managing obesity. It is most occurring and adds to the medications, diet alterations, and surgical management of obesity.

Other than reducing weight by raising calorie consumption, exercise also enhances self-esteem that in turn raises adherence to both physical activity and diet. Exercise therapy for requirement obesity is to develop a monitored and planned program of exercises that would suit the requirement of the patient perfectly. Exercise must start being slowly and must be raised as functional capacity enhances.

  • Body fat distribution and exercise

Exercise lowers body weight and impacts body fat distribution by enhancing regional fat loss, particularly at the abdomen. This might lower the risk of diseases that links with the upper-fat distribution. Additionally, weight loss is also maintained great with daily exercise.

  • Glucose metabolism and exercise

Additionally to reduce weight, improve the tolerance of glucose, lower fasting blood glucose, exercise enhances glucose metabolism, lowers insulin resistance, and reduces fasting blood insulin levels. Therefore, it requires to be remembered the end of an exercise that might lead to an important rise in intra-abdominal fat within months or weeks according to a few studies.  The rising prevalence of obesity shows a lack of balance of energy in a huge number of people who expand fewer calories consistently than they eat. It is reasonable to think that an individual having relatively increasing daily energy expenditure must be less likely to weight gain by the time, in comparison to those who have less energy expenditure.

Research also shows that adults are more likely to sustain a healthy weight if they have reduced physical inactivity and an active lifestyle. International guidelines that rely on huge data from epidemiological prospective studies also suggest that adults must engage in 45 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity each day to cure the overweight transition to obesity or overweight. Recently, the specific kinds and physical activity amount require to reduce the gaining of weight that is not well built utilizing the prospective designs of study and it is great to think that the specific physical activity amount that will aid in preventing unhealthy gain of weight is a function that varies from person to person. But, generally, more activity raises the chance of success.