Obesity: Definition, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

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Obesity treatment aims to gain and stay at a healthy weight. This enhances the overall health and reduces the risk of developing problems that relate to obesity. You might want to work with a professional health team consisting of a behavioral counselor, dietitian, or an obesity specialist to aid you to know and make alterations in inactivity and eating habits. The starting treatment goal is normally a modest weight loss of around 5 to 10 % of your total weight. (8)

This means that if you weigh around 200 pounds that makes around (91 kg), then you must require to lose weight which is almost 10 to 20 pounds (4.5 to 9 kg) for good health and to start to enhance. Therefore, the more weight you lose, the more are benefits. All weight-loss programs need changes in eating habits and raise physical activity. The method of treatment that is good for you relies on the severity of obesity, the health, and willingness to involve in the weight loss program.

Dietary changes

Limiting calories and practicing healthy habits of eating are essential to overcome obesity. Therefore, you might lose weight fast at first, slow weight loss for the long term is considered the safest way to reduce weight and the optimal way to make it off permanently. There is not a good weight-loss diet. Select one that consists of healthy foods that feel right for you. Dietary changes to cure obesity consist of:

  • Feeling of fullness on less: most foods such as candies, desserts, processed foods, and fats consist of a lot of calories in small portion size. In comparison the vegetables and fruits give huge portion sizes having fewer calories. By consuming larger portions of foods that consist of fewer calories, you limit hunger pangs. Take in fewer calories and make you feel good about the meal that leads to how satisfied you are feeling overall.
  • Cutting calories: The key to reducing weight is limiting how many calories you take in. the first step is to check your normal drinking and eating habits to look at how many calories you consume normally and where you can cut them. You and your general physician might decide how many calories you require to take in per day to lose weight but a normal amount is 1200 to 1500 calories for women while 1500 to 1800 calories for men.
  • Making healthy choices: To make your diet healthier, consume more plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Also take lean sources of protein, including soy, beans, lentils, and lean meat. If you like to fish, try to add fish to your meals twice a week. Reduce added sugar and salt. Consume a small number of fats and keep in mind that they attain from heart-healthy sources like nut oils, olive oils, and canola oils.
  • Meal replacements: these plans recommend replacing each or more meals with the products such as meal bars or low-calorie shakes and consuming healthy snacks and a well-balanced third meal that is low in calories and fat. In short, this kind of diet might aid in losing weight. But these diets are more likely will not teach you how to alter your overall lifestyle. So you might have to keep using the diet if you like to keep your weight low.
  • Restriction of certain foods: certain foods reduce the number of significant food groups like full-fat foods and high-carbohydrate foods. Ask your doctor which plans are more beneficial and that might be helpful for you. Drinking beverages that consist of sugar is a way to take more calories than you want to. Reducing these drinks or removing them altogether is a great place to start restricting your calories.