What Is Gynecomastia? How Does It Affect Men and Boys?

Signs and Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms

Gynecomastia is not itself a disease. It is a shift from normal physiology which is normal in infancy, teenage and old age. In the first two age groups, it resolves spontaneously as the body readjusts the levels of testosterone. Where gynecomastia occurs secondary to other disturbing factors, or in cases beyond the normal time for resolution, it may present with the following features.

Swelling of the breasts

The first and foremost presentation of gynecomastia is the swelling in the pectoral region. This swelling is diffuse in occurrence. It most commonly presents bilaterally, however, cases of unilateral presentation have been reported. Due to the proliferation of the glandular tissue in the breasts beyond the normal distribution by nature, the breasts enlarge in size. The swelling ay spread concentrically with the nipple at its center.