Endometriosis: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Home Remedies, Treatment and Management

Conservative surgery

Conservative surgery

If a patient has endometriosis and is trying to get pregnant, then the surgical method for removing endometriosis implants might increase the chances of success. The conservative surgery preserves the ovaries and uterus and only removes the implants of endometrial tissues. Patients who suffer from severe pain might also benefit from conservative surgery, but the pain might return after some time as the implants comeback. The doctor performs this procedure either through traditional abdominal surgery or by laparoscopy. In the severe cases of endometriosis, laparoscopy surgery might help in the reduction of pain and improves the symptoms. The surgeon puts a small viewing instrument that is a laparoscope by making a small cut near the belly button and removes the endometrial tissues by inserting instruments through another small cut. After the laparoscopy surgery, the doctors might recommend the patient take hormone medication to improve the pain.