Endometriosis: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Home Remedies, Treatment and Management



Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the uterus along with the ovaries. For severe endometriosis cases, the surgeons go for surgical removal of the endometrial tissues because it is the most effective treatment. However, the endometriosis experts do not support this approach; instead, they focus on thorough tissue endometriosis removal. The removal of ovaries results in the early menopause in women. The lack of hormonal production, particularly estrogen, results in improved endometriosis pain but might continue to produce symptoms if some endometrial tissue remains in the pelvic region. Early menopause is also very risky for women’s health because it might lead to certain metabolic conditions, cardiovascular diseases, and premature death.

The removal of the uterus by surgical procedure might sometimes treat endometriosis symptoms, such as painful menses and heavy bleeding during periods. Even if ovaries’ removal doesn’t happen along with hysterectomy, there is a long-term effect on health, particularly in women age 35 or less.