Endometriosis: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Home Remedies, Treatment and Management



Almost 25 to 50% of the infertile females suffer from the condition of endometriosis. The condition of endometriosis can impact females’ fertility in various ways and makes it difficult for them to enjoy childbirth happiness. Endometriosis distorts the structure of the pelvis and produces adhesive bands of fibrous tissues in the pelvic region. Moreover, the endometrial tissues cause scarring of the fallopian tube, change the hormones’ environment for the eggs, cause inflammation of the pelvic organs, change the immune system’s functioning, alter the quality of eggs, and impair the implantation of a pregnancy. The disorder of endometriosis makes it very difficult for the women to conceive, but fortunately, there are many treatments available, making it possible to conceive a child.