What Is Pancreatic Cancer? Every Thing You Need To Know Here

Back pain

Back pain

Approximately 70 per cent of patients with pancreatic cancer go to the doctor initially due to pain. This pain is often described as beginning in the stomach area and radiating around to the upper back. It can be worse after eating or when lying down. Sitting forward can sometimes relieve the pain. At first the pain may come and go, but over time it may become more constant. If any of the organs (pancreas, liver or gall bladder) in the abdomen are inflamed or enlarged the area may also be tender to touch. Pain is caused by the cancer affecting nerves or organs near the pancreas. It can also be a result of a tumor causing a blockage in the stomach or duodenum (top part of the small intestines). A specific palliative step for managing pain in pancreatic cancer may include a nerve block of the celiac nerve plexus (located in the back/abdomen area where many patients feel pain with pancreatic cancer) via injection with alcohol or other agent. Other possible interventions to relieve pain are subarachnoid or epidural blocks (both in the spinal space).