Multiple Sclerosis (Overview, Signs ,Symptoms, Types , Complication, Causes , Risk factors, Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Medications for modifying the progression of the disease

In the case of primary-progressive multiple sclerosis, the only FDA approved drug therapy is ocrelizumab. Ocrelizumab is the disease-modifying therapy (DMT) in which the progression of multiple sclerosis in the patients decreases to a certain limit, and the progression rates are way lower than other patients who are not receiving this therapy. In the case of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, there are a number of modifying therapies available—the immune system responses in the early stages of multiple sclerosis. Aggressive treatment with disease-modifying medications helps in lowering the relapse rate in the areas of brain lesions. These medications in the early stages help in the possibility of slowing down the formation of new lesions and hence less scaring. Unfortunately, a lot of these disease-modifying therapies have an important tool for health risks. It is very important to select the right treatment for yourself by taking into consideration the important factors such as duration and severity of the disease, other health issues, the expense of medication, the effectiveness of previous multiple sclerosis, treatments, and childbearing status.

The treatment options for the cure of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis consist of injectable medicines such as:

Beta interferons:

Beta interferons are one of the most common medications to treat the condition of multiple sclerosis. The doctors inject beta interferons into the muscle or under the skin and alternate the frequency and severity of relapses with the help of these medications. Some of the side effects of beta interferons include injection-site reactions and flu-like symptoms. It is important to monitor the liver enzymes through blood testing in the patients who are receiving this medication. Liver damage is one of the possible side effects of the usage of beta interferon, and another side effect of beta interferon is that the patient develops neutralizing antibodies that lower down the drug’s effectiveness.