Brain Tumor : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment

Memory Loss

Memory loss
Memory loss

If the tumor cells advance to the memory centers in the brain, this can result in memory loss. Memory is one of the feature of cognitive function which are affected by neurological tumors. Cognitive deficits are reported as a feature of around 90% of brain tumors. The statistics, however, are variable depending upon the age group under study, and the type of brain tumor. Depending upon the location of the tumor, most commonly, the tumors in temporal and frontal lobe present with memory loss, or amnesia. The brain functions to perceive information, categorize it and store it in the form which is subjected to reinforcement.

A brain tumor can affect memory in two ways: either it may impair the ability to recall the information deposited post tumor occurrence. This is termed retrograde memory loss. Or, it can impair the storage and recalling of new memories after the tumor. This type of memory loss is termed an ante retrograde memory loss.

It is noteworthy to mention that certain treatment plans of brain tumor, especially radiation, surgical excision etc. can also affect memory function.