Trigger Finger (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Home Remedies , Stretching Exercises )

Risk factors Of Trigger Finger

Risk factors Of Trigger Finger
Risk factors Of Trigger Finger

There are several genetic and environmental risk factors linked to the development of trigger finger. Trigger finger disorder is a very common disorder, and it does not require any specific ailment to occur. However, some conditions enhance the probability and chances of manifestation of this disease. Some of the factors that are involved in increasing the exposure of trigger finger include.


Although Trigger finger can happen at any age, it has shown to be more prevalent in people over 50 or more. Which shows that aged people are more likely to get the disease? There can be several reasons and underlying causes associated with it. One of which is that with increased age, many other diseases also start to hit the person which can be linked with the onset of trigger finger through one way or another. Also, with age, the bones start to become weak and fragile and if the person still works hard or shows more finger exertion the chances of acquiring the disease increase. A study was conducted to detect and investigate the occurrence of trigger finger in different age groups. The results showed an increase in onset of trigger finger in aged people and the reason associated was with the properties of tendon sheath also the cause is considered to be a predisposition of trigger finger postmenopausal. The results also showed that trigger finger mostly affected the metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb. Overall results showed that the age group from 40-60 is more susceptible to the onset of this disorder as compared to young people.