HIV (Overview, Signs and Symptoms, Complication, Causes and Risk factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention)

Early Symptoms Of HIV Infection

The symptoms do not appear at once, it takes time. The wide range of symptoms associated with HIV infection depends on different phases of progression. People living with HIV are unaware of their status for weeks to months. During the first few weeks of infection, the person may experience no symptoms or an influenza-like illness such as fever, headache, rash or sore throat. Other signs and symptoms appear when the virus spreads to the whole of the body and weakens the immune system. If not treated on time it will result in the development of AIDS and will risk the life of an individual.

Following are some of the symptoms that appear in the acute and final stage of HIV infection:


A fever is an increase in the body’s temperature, which indicates that the body is in stress and fighting against any harmful pathogen or condition inside the body. As HIV enters that body, it interferes with the body’s immune system. The body responds to it and high temperature is a sign of an active defensive system. The person should not wait for any other sign if he/she has a history encounter with any of the previously discussed reasons.